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Thursday, 28 April 2011


These are the questions which i have to address in my evaluation.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Thursday, 21 April 2011


Audience feedback is essential to any film producer. Audience feedback informs film producers whether or not their film will be a success. I, as producer of my short film production "Flashback" chose to aim the film at consumers aged 15 and over. I made decisions which i thought were appropiate and which may influence success for my short film.

In order to recieve audience feedback for my final product, we gathered 30 students into a room, where we then screened our short film. They then carried out questionnaires based on the following screening of our film.

Results from my audience feedback questionnaire, told me that not everyone agreed that the film should be certified as 15, and that they did not agree, that a range of camera angles or locations had been used.

In order to get a wider audience, i posted my final product on the social networking site, "Facebook". Here is some feedback which i recieved from friends on feedback:

"Its mint that video Tasha, honestly!!" - Rachel Gillis

"Quite good" - Enxhi Vyshka

"Really good" - Lauren Dimmick

"Eee thats really good" - Lauren Jairath

"You could of had some close up shots switching back and forth to each speaker at each conversation. When the car was driving down, you should have stopped panning and let the car drive past the camera, not a bad start though" - Tony

"Your short film is really good, well done" - Alex Henry

"Well done....Really loved crash bit was espicially good" - John Gardiner

I believe that audience feedback is more important that a film director's thoughts, as a film can not be succesful without the support of their consumers.

Overall i am very happy with the feedback which my final product recieved. I believe everyone was very honest while giving feedback.

We also recorded some of the audience's responses, here they are.